Wednesday, February 25, 2009

With Blood Comes Cleansing

I just can't stop listening to them lately. Their album "Horror" is so good. It's not what I usually listen to but it's just that good. You can check them out on their myspace here.

Now playing: With Blood Comes Cleansing - Lash Upon Lash
via FoxyTunes

Sunday, February 15, 2009

Valentine's Day.

Well it's 5:15 in the morning the day after v-tine's. Lorraine and I renewed our wedding vows yesterday. It was an awesome day! We got married on the same day in 1999. Nothing went according to plan the day of our wedding. But we made it work. Fast-forward 10 years. We are now serving God, and raising our 3 kids. We thought that it would be awesome to renew our vows as a covenant to each other and God. We walked in to the instrumental track from For Today's CD, and out to Sleeping Giant's "Covenant". The choice of music kinda caught people off guard. But it was the lyrics and message of "Covenant" that made us want to use it. I don't have the pictures yet but as soon as I do I will edit this post with a link. Hope everyone had a great Valentine's day.

God Bless

Saturday, February 7, 2009

NIV and The Deal. Tonight !!!

I am so stoked for this show. I haven't seen The Deal since 2002. When I heard they were reuniting I thought it was just a rumor. But this show has the potential to be the best show of the year so far. NIV played "My Beliefs" at the Jesus Wept show last summer. What a tease! I'm glad they are doing this show. I've seen Death Comes Fast more times than I can remember, and every time I do they seem to just get better and better. Just saw The Rekoning last month, so good live. I haven't had the chance to see Faith Snakes yet but I'm looking forward to it. The show starts at 6:30 and is only 5 bucks, so get there early. If this show doesn't sell out I will be really surprised. Hope to see you guys there.