Thursday, April 2, 2009

He must be doing something right!

After seeing this new design for The Acacia Strain it made me think a little bit. And I have decided to answer the question posed by this shirt. "Christian Hardcore" is pretty much the same as "Regular Hardcore" but with Christ-centered lyrics. I also think that the graphic on the front, while some what offensive, is actually kind of funny. I believe that when Jesus died on the cross that he first went into "the heart of the earth" which is hell. (Not all Christians will agree with me on this.) After all being crucified for the sin of all mankind that is where He belonged. It says in the Bible that Jesus defeated "Death, Hell and the Grave", so for this design to show that satan defeated Jesus is just absurd. I'm sure that the main reason for this design was to be offensive. And to some people it will be. But not me!! All it shows me is that bands like Sleeping Giant, The Great Commission and For Today are affecting the scene in a positive way. Showing kids that it's okay to still listen to hardcore and be saved. Maybe what is happening is the "Non-Christian" hardcore bands are more offended by what God is doing through the hardcore scene so all they can think to do is to try to "One-Up" us Christians by trying to be offensive. All I can say is that I am not, and will never will be ashamed of the Gospel of Jesus Christ and what God has done to and through me. I will continue to go to shows until God moves me on to something else. I just hope that we can discuss our beliefs rather than just one-sided conversations "This is what I believe and F**k what you do". God is moving in the hardcore scene and you can either climb aboard or get out of the way cuz you can't stop Him! If any of you reading this have any questions about anything or you would just like to tell me how full of crap I am you can email me I will answer any questions you have. Also I will continue to pray for the scene that we can all get along. Christian or not it shouldn't matter. Jesus hung out with sinners so why shouldn't I? I also want to take the opportunity to apologize to anyone that has ever been offended by a "christian". Please take the opportunity to ask me anything and like I said I will tell you what the truth is. Thanks for reading.
